CPC Kids partners with parents to raise the next generation for a lifetime of knowing God, experiencing his love, and following Christ in his mission of loving people, places, and things to life.

What to Expect


Checking In

Our check-in and pick-up process prioritizes safety for children, and hospitality for all. To participate in CPC Kids programming, please check your child in at one of the kiosks, located throughout the campus.

Sunday Services

During the 9:00 a.m. worship service, the following programming is provided:

6 Weeks - Kindergarten
Care and age-appropriate, gospel-centered teaching and fun.

Grades 1 & 2
Attend worship with parents, where kid-friendly bulletin activity pamphlets are provided, with an option to attend the Elementary Message during the sermon, then rejoin parents for communion.

Grades 3 - 5
Attend service with parents. Age-appropriate, sermon-series-themed Worship Guides are also provided weekly outside the Sanctuary doors.




At 10:30 a.m., we provide age-specific Learning Groups for nursery-aged children through fifth grade.



Meet the Kids Ministry Team

Melanie Beasley

Director of Children's Ministry

Joy Alms

Kids Preschool Coordinator

Jessica Hawkins

Kids Hospitality and Operations Manager

Tim Benton

Kids Ministry Coordinator

Marguerite Ward

Kids Elementary Coordinator

Christy Shapiro

Kids Nursery Coordinator



Resources for Parents

CPC Kids is committed to resource parents as their own children's primary encouragers in the faith. We offer parent training opportunities throughout the year, plus tangible resources for parents to use with their kids.

Become a CPC Kids Volunteer


Volunteer opportunities abound for those who want to serve and encourage kids. Some serve as small group leaders, while others serve as storytellers, hospitality hosts, hallway monitors, check-in team members, and more. There is something for every age group from cuddly babies to wild and curious pre-teens.  We would love for you to join us in helping equip kids to know and love Jesus for a lifetime!